Kailo Training Institute
Manage your time and fulfil your dream
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Many people dream about going into ministry. They want to earn a degree and fulfil their God-given call. However, they can’t see how they will find the time to study. Let me share my secret with you. I read every day! Each page I read through accumulated into the research and studies I completed. Think about someone who reads about a specific subject every day for an hour per day, five days a week.
Now think about someone with this habit who consistently executes for an hour per day, five days a week for three years. Here’s the math:
- An hour per day of reading, five days a week: 300 minutes per week
- 300 minutes per week multiplied by 52 weeks: 15 600 minutes
- 15 600 minutes per year multiplied by three years: 46 800 minutes
How much knowledge could you accumulate if you spent 46 800 minutes reading quality books over three years? What can someone who reads about a specific subject every day for an hour per day, five days a week achieve? You’d probably become a very successful student or at least a subject matter expert.
You can do this! At Kailo Training Institute we help our students to manage their studies as well as their available study time to fulfil their dream and their studies.
Eight Core Skills in Developing Students
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The wonderful reality of being an adult student is the fact that you have seen the good and the bad that life can through at you. By this time, you also know that you can get up after being pushed to your knees.
One of the activities the students at Kailo Training Institute value most is the weekly engagements with the lecturers. These sessions are 40-minute online appointments where we discuss the issues of the greatest impotence to the students. Sometimes we experience challenges with load-shedding, but we are committed to helping students to make a success of their journey to achieve qualifications.
On this journey, there are eight core skills covered in the development of a student. To explain the core skills, we refer to the heart, mind, voice, ears, hands, feet, spine, and eyes. Here is an infographic to illustrate the elements.
When all is said and done, I would like to remain you of the words of John Holms: “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up”. At Kailo Training Institute we are committed to training people to help others so that we leave no one in pain (Dr Barbara Louw).
You can make a difference.
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A puzzling letter crossed my desk this week. In this letter, pastors were discouraged to offer to counsel because it was too time-consuming, too complex, and too unpredictable.
At Kailo Training Institute as well as in our daily ministry we know that God called us to minister to people through counselling, pastoring, and training. All the training modules are based on the Bible as the foundation and the skills training is practical and applicable.
Ministering to people can take time because listening to people’s stories is the point of departure to help them to understand themselves and their struggles a little better. By listening we help people to feel that they are not the problem, but that they are dealing with problems and challenges.
Develop a passion for learning
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In South Africa, we are celebrating Women’s Month and many voices are going up to address social ills. The leadership at Kailo Training Institute is concerned about the fact that the people in the church seem to have the very same problems as the people outside the church. In both scenarios, we see that gender-based violence, crime, corruption, and violence are rife.
Our passion is to equip people to become excellent Christian Pastoral Counsellors. Counsellors who are passionate about helping God’s people and people outside the church to heal and become well. We are training counsellors to apply the Bible as their handbook, while they are taught to also look at the bigger picture of what erodes and destroys people’s lives.
Making studying a little easier
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Kailo Training Institute offers study opportunities for adult learners in Counselling and Divinity. By the time you consider yourself an adult you know about the challenges of doing what is right and not just what is easy.
Your needs in the process of realising your dreams are different from those of an adolescent. You have to plan your schedule carefully because there are important things that compete for every moment. Spare moments are a luxury that must you cherished if they present themselves. For the rest of the time, you juggle to make the best of what you have. Juggling also applies to finances, space, priorities and resources.
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